Print Shop
Our guide to more than just print.
Welcome to the J-Card Template print shop.
Simply adjust the setup [explained] in this page, call us by tapping on Print…, and we will prepare your printout.
Please note that this is a self-serve facility; you must supply your own printer and materia, and it comes with no warranty.
Explanation of options.
The default values provide a standard printout of a single J-card.
If you want Print 2, then change the count to 2.
- StartSlot index from which J-cards will be placed.
- CountNumber of consecutive J-cards to place.
- MarginUse the same value for the entire sheet.
- WholeStandard template margins (original).
- HalfShorter protruding guides (default).
- VariableFollow the J-card width.
By default, the template width is fixed so that any assortment of J-cards can be printed safely on the same sheet. Consequently, shorter J-cards occupy more space than needed. If all J-cards for that sheet have the same width, then this consequence becomes unnecessary.
Setting margin to Variable unlocks the template width, but at the cost of allowing J-cards of different widths to overprint one another.
- OpacityOpaqueness of the printout.
- OutlineVisual aids for cutting and/or folding.
We discourage gratuities, but these are nice to have.
Page Setup
Before printing, check whether:
- The paper size matches to that of the sheet.
- US Letter is not A4.
- The scale is set to 100%.
- Do not scale to fit.
To free up space, you can:
- change the orientation, and
- omit headers and footers.
No Print Preview
If your web browser lacks a print preview feature, then try saving the printout as a PDF document and view it. Otherwise, we can tell you that both A4 and US Letter can fit up to two J-cards in landscape orientation.
Master Tutorial
For advanced readers and users.
This section is optional.
The goal is to print various J-cards on one sheet until it can no longer fit anymore. This requires refeeding which public printers may not allow. In that case, you can only print multiples of a J-card.
Sheet Path
The first task is to know how the sheet goes through the printer, so that subsequent printouts will not be at the wrong places. You can place a mark on a corner of the sheet for reference, print a blank document on it, then look for your mark, observing its position and side. Repeat until you are confident.
Margin Mode
Before printing on a blank sheet, set the margin mode first. If all J-cards for that sheet have the same width, then you may use Variable. Otherwise, Half works for all cases. Once set, do not change it for this sheet.
Start Index
The next task is to master in setting the start index.
Formally, the start index for the n-th J-card is defined as the following equation:

In prose, it is at least the sum of counts from all previous J-cards, and the start index of the first one.
The following example cases describe how it is ideally set.
- If the sheet is blank, then set the start index to 1.
- If you printed one of the first J-card, then set the start index to 2.
- If you printed one of the first J-card, and one of the second J-card, then set the start index to 3.
- If you printed one of the first, and two of the second, then set the start to 4.
- If you printed one of the first, two of the second, and four of the third, then set the start to 8.
- If you printed one of first, one of second, and four of third, then set start to 7.
- If you printed one of first, two of second, and three of third, then set start to 7.
- Finally, if the sheet is full, then stop printing on it.
Once you understand it, you should also understand that the first start index does not need to be 1, nor do you have to follow the J-card order above. If the slot defined by that index is available, then you can print a J-card on it.
Once you completed both tasks, you should be able to prevent J-cards from overprinting one another. However, if you desire this effect, then you can set the opacity to adjust the print density.