
Moving around the website.

Information in this page apply to websites using our technology.


For Top, Back, and Forward controls.

This feature is available only on the Mobile layout.

The toolbar allows jumping to the top of the current page, and navigating to the previous (<) or next (>) resource in the user agent's session history. To access, tap on the ≡ Menu button at the bottom-left of the visible area.

The < and > controls require JavaScript to work.

Keyboard Use

More power to you.

Aside from the usual keys for navigation, you can use Tab and Shift+Tab to cycle the cursor over focusable elements, including links.

The page menu is placed to be accessible with the keyboard. After a page is loaded, a single Tab (Standard or mini!) or Shift+Tab (Mobile) focuses on said menu. On the latter, this is equivalent to tapping on the ≡ Menu button, and once its corresponding menu appears, use Tab to select the topmost option.

Finally--and this applies to a lot of places--you can use Alt+ and Alt+ to go backward and forward one page, respectively.