
Manage offline access to EDEN Online.

If you are planning to install J-Card Template or NET-Viewer, then do so prior to this.


Our service worker is a cache server. On registration, it downloads all resources into a persistent storage and serves them locally, downloading lost ones as needed. You can bypass the service worker with a forced reload.

At least ~1.1 MB of disk space is required.

Awaiting script…

Registering effectively installs EDEN Online. You can add it to your home screen for a more seamless experience.

Updates are usually automatic. Once no pages use the current service worker, it is unregistered to let the new one take its place.

To uninstall, you can unregister the service worker here which also deletes its storage.

If registration is unavailable, then service workers are either disabled or unsupported. Also check your storage persistence settings.

If Return does not work, then you can go to the [index page].

  • PWA is an abbreviation for Progressive Web Application. The logo above was made by Diego González-Zúñiga (diekus).
  • Despite the interchangeability of the words unregister and deregister, the former is used in the Service Worker API.